Monday, January 15, 2007

I have been really bad about updating this thing lately due primarily to my busy schedule. That's no excuse, however, as things are only going to get even busier once I start trying to juggle a heavier training load, an increasingly busy work schedule and a few home improvement projects including remodeling my bathroom. I do plan to set aside time to give an update of where my training, racing and other activities have taken me.

I recently returned home from a trip to Boulder, Co. where I skied for 8 days in a row. I spent the first few days at Winterpark and Back Country skiing on Berthoud Pass (the exact spot where that avalanche hit!) You can actually see the road that was wiped out by the enormous snowlide in the background of the following pictures. I left Boulder after the third night to head for Crested Butte with my buddy Greg Abrahamson. He and I finished off the week with several days at Mt. Crested Butte and Monarch Mt. Overall the skiing was only so-so due to inadequate snow cover. We did, however, get dumped on the last day with 18 inches of fresh powder. Fun Trip!!

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